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Sunday 22 November 2015

BBC world service

This has been a long running brief for many years within the university now and when I received this brief I felt that all possible approaches had already been conquered by past students. I also felt a little discouraged with the prospect of what I could possibly do that was new and different. Looking through what outcomes the brief asked for and researching into the project of the BBC world service and what it stood for, helped me to form the idea of it being a 'lifeline service' this became my main concept visually to communicate. 

I originally thought working with wavelengths and radio signals would be visually appealing and similar to a current popular style used in a re-brand of a band and its music video Arctic Monkeys - Do I wanna know, AM. This lead me to the very similar lines created through a heart monitor screen. 

With the BBC world service broadcasting many different programs and giving a variety of information, for some countries this is their only way of learning through using it as an educational tool, or a way of communicating and socializing with the outside world. These different platforms are all important to many people and I wanted to raise awareness of the variety of tools that are 'lifelines' to society. I created a poster campaign in the concept style as outlined along with a video of an animation inspired by the movement of a heartbeat monitor, this idea was then applied to transform a donation box into that of a monitor. I choose to add Oxfam as a sponsor as their beliefs fit well with what my campaign was fighting to save, as a sponsor the donation boxes would sit within stores worldwide on counters to raise as much money as possible.

I also chose to update the BBC world service app and website to allow people to listen to the radio creating more of an audience and demand. This also allows people to contribute and make a donation easily through the app with a few touches of their screen. The animation will sit within the app through youtube for the user to watch it at their own pleasure and on the go.

Poster Campaign

Poster campaign insitu
App // Website

Donation Boxes


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