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Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Halloween Horror night

Fundraising for our Halloween horror night has been progressing very quickly, through a lot of group meetings and discussion within a facebook group. From these meetings we have finalised all of the events withing our building and come to arrangements with The Phoenix for events too, who will host some games and offers for our after party in their dark room. Each member of the group has been delegated jobs to contribute to the event and which station they will work.  With the activities confirmed we were able to create a set of posters which Tom offered to create from reusing imagery from an old fitting project of his. This will be printed very soon and displayed around our building and campus, we also have permission to put up some within The Phoenix pub too to create more publicity for the event.

 The plans for the horror maze have been drawn up by the guys who are in charge of the creation and building of the project. The full completion and construction of the horror maze will be made on the day of the event so as not to impose on any scheduled classes in our studio and also for health and safety reasons. The maze will then be destroyed in most on the night of the event once students have left to continue their night over at our after party location. 

Many donations of decorations, props, materials and food have been gathered now from members of each course. Its been very inspiring and surprising to see how much people are willing to help and give for this event. The outcome for this events success seems to be very promising now it is in the final stages. I'm sure the stress and constant worry over planning this night will all be worth it and begin to evaporate once the event kicks off.


Friday, 16 October 2015


This year I am hoping to become an integral part of the fundraising for our final degree show in May, as we must raise all funds ourselves I feel its important to get involved as much as possible. I have a few ideas for how to raise money and think as a group we should start early on to use all opportunities to our advantage. I have suggested the idea of a hosting a Halloween horror night in our building, with a haunted house theme. By opening the building inviting students from all art based courses based in the building I hope more people will want to get involved or attend. With such little time to organise such a big event, gathering as many people as possible has become a must. Mass emails have been sent out to all art students in our building to help along with talking to tutors and students to gather volunteers and spreading the word of the event most of my time has been spent on setting this event up.

With a lot of help from Alex we have managed to also meet with the manager of a close by student-favourite pub, The Phoenix to talk about sponsoring our event or holding part of the event with them. They were very generous to offer us a room to hold an after party with plenty of games to play, prizes to win and free drinks. This offer will hopefully add some interest to our event for students and entice them to donate and part with money. 

Currently we have a group of graphic design students, art students and fashion students volunteers to help make this night a success. With such little time to organise and plan everything its great to have so much support from other courses, hopefully by utilising all art students more money can be raised and an impact made with the start of events. The money raised from this event will be spilt equally amongst the courses contributing but hopefully in future planning of events, students will be willing to be involved or help one another from getting to know each other from this event.

Lately I have been feeling unwell and unfortunately lost my voice, so planning this event with people has been a challenge, this has also taken its toll on my work's progress.


Monday, 12 October 2015

Shoreditch Kitchen Launch

This week saw the launch of a project I have been excited about pursuing, The Shoreditch Kitchen. I have seen this project run the past 2 years and the outcomes are all so different from students. At the beginning of summer I saved a few examples of menus and design styles that inspired me for research into this project. Along with other re-occuring modules in mind, I wanted to have an informed outlook on design in readiness. I have also been thinking about how I want my portfolio to look at the end of the year and how I can approach each project.  

Here is some of my current research from over summer of styles I feel would suit the project.

I would still like to keep these approaches in mind for my work whilst I evaluate the projects requirements and what the brief calls for. 


Friday, 2 October 2015

Final year begins

So this week was my first week as a final year student of Graphic Design at Coventry university. Returning into a class of new people along with some familiar faces who also took an erasmus year was an unusual experience of slight deja vu. It had been so long and felt strange but comforting to be back in the studio of Graham Sutherland. I hope my final year brings opportunities to enhance my employability for nearing the end of my studies with a vast of work to undertake for my portfolio. I would like to build up some more examples of branding in my work and attain some packaging designs. Some of my friends had decided to take a module in Cyprus to create packaging for a variety of different products, they created some really great work and was able to pad out their portfolio quickly yet with professional looking work. I unfortunately didn't take this module and wish I had done therefore I hope to create some nice packaging designs to include in my portfolio this year.  

Our first brief to break us into the new academic year was an open brief to say the least, one word was given in the brief; Ingenuity. From my aim to produce some product designs I was immediately hit with an idea of creating some kind of packaging for a tea bag brand. The sounding of the word we was given fit perfectly for the brand name and I decided to illustrate the I to look like the string of a tea bag for my logo. For this short project we was given 4 days to create our work to then show and present to our class to see how each of us had interpreted the brief. My response to the project is shown below.