For our typography module this year we were given a choice of briefs set by ISDT with the option to submit to the competition or not. We were asked to find a personal account of an event to then present within a gallery space of our choosing to transport the audience into the story through experimental application of typography. I wanted to portray an event I found interesting and felt connected to so that hopefully others visiting the exhibit would too. I wanted to transport the audience into the story, make them feel part of the story, immersive within that account and allow them to interactive with the typography and artwork displayed.
I designed an interactive and immersive exhibition based upon the eye witness account of Thomas Flowers talking of his work for Bletchley Park. Focusing on the use of typography and communication within this project I experimented with the function of language to encrypt the story, around the gallery space of IKON in Birmingham and within the exhibition book. A Cipher handout will sit within the gallery space for the audience to translate quotes from the story themselves, or alternatively an app will transform the quotes in real time through the use of the camera function.
The concept to this exhibition is to transport the audience into the eye witness account and generate connections to the installation and historic story being told. Here's my final project outcomes which I am proud to have submitted to the ISDT Eye witness Competition Brief 2016.
Exhibition Space within IKON
Prototype app design
Exhibition Book
Promotional postcards
Merchandise - Badges, Tote bag & framed artwork