Recently, I have been planning on taking an enhancement year whilst deferring my third and final year at university here in Coventry. This will allow me to gain some international experience studying or working in a placement and aid in building contacts, my portfolio work and my self-confidence.
I have officially applied for my year studying abroad and narrowed my choices down to Cyprus and (my second choice) Madrid. It has become clear that I will more than likely be studying in Cyprus therefore I feel some language skills would come in handy. As the university doesn't offer the chance to learn Greek the second option will be to learn Turkish, with classes starting this week hopefully I will be able to build upon learning the language in hopes it will come in handy whilst living in Cyprus.
Recently meetings have been arranged to talk about the China exchange trip and what we can expect and what arrangements need to be made. Some information about the trip is as follows:
Central South (CSU) Chang Sha, 2 week exchange likely to be last week of term in March and first week of Easter holiday. Taking part in lectures, seminars, exercises, activities such as exhibitions/workshops etc whilst in China, following their typical schedule, which will be in the studio everyday 8/8.30am - 7pm. Some excursions to villages, tourism sites new and old China, trips to studios, exhibitions etc. will be scheduled and published however these plans do get changed and altered. A short video was shown of a past trip filmed by a student. Here is the video part 2, which was shown to us. I have also watched part 1 and part 3 to see the whole film and trip. A blog will be set up for us to document our experiences relating to all aspects of the trip.
This year is looking like a year full of once in a lifetime travel and work opportunities for myself.